
"A passionate metalhead and a talented drummer, Lumi traded her drumsticks for morning stars when she got her job at Starr Park. She controls elements of ice and fire, which reflects her shy nature and her burning passion for music!"


  • Good Morning... Star

    "Lumi throws one of her morning stars. She can throw both of her weapons, with her third attack recalling them, dealing damage to any enemies caught in their path!"


  • Blast Beat

    "Lumi pounds the ground three times, causing explosions that deal area damage. The third explosion briefly snares enemies, making them unable to move but still able to attack."


  • Gadget - hit the lights hit the lights

    "Lumi iginites her morning stars on the ground, producing flames which damage nearby enemies for 3.9 seconds. Damage per second: 300."

  • Gadget - grim and frostbitten grim and frostbitten

    "Lumi creates freezing winds around her morning stars on the ground, creating a slippery surface for 3.9 secs. Damage per second: 100."

Star Powers

  • Star Power - 42% burnt 42% burnt

    "The explosions from Lumi's Blast Beat also set the area on fire for 4 secs. Damage scales with explosion damage. Damage per second for the biggest explosion: 560."

  • Star Power - half-time half-time

    "Lumi slows enemies hit by her recalled morning stars for 2 seconds."


  • Voice
  • Class
    Damage Dealer  
  • Movement Speed
    720 (Normal)  
  • Health
    3000 - 6000  
  • Attack Range
    8.67 (Long)  
  • Attack Width
  • Attack Damage
    - - -  
  • Attack Reload
  • Attack Super Charge Per Hit
  • Projectile Speed
    3400 (while throwing the maces) - 4000 (while retrieving the maces) - 3600 (while retriving the maces; with Grim and Frostbitten)  
  • Super Range
    7.33 (Long)  
  • Super Charge Per Hit
  • Super Projectile Speed
  • Super Hit Movement Speed
  • Damage Per Hit
    - - - 
  • Health Per Hit
    - - -